Posted by: dsjliturgy | January 18, 2008

Fair Trade Palms for Palm Sunday

The CRS Fair Trade Program is once again endorsing Eco-Palms as a way to promote economic justice on Palm Sunday. Parishes can make Palm Sunday a day of celebrating economic justice for farmers and stewardship of God’s creation in Guatemala and Mexico. Eco-palms are harvested in a way that rewards workers for the quality of the palms they harvest rather than the quantity, which helps to limit the amount of palms taken from a forest.

Eco-palm communities have taken upon themselves to learn about harvesting practices that minimize impact on the natural forest where the palm grows, and biodiversity of the region and improve the local communities’ standard of living. To have your Eco-palms fill the sanctuary with justice this Palm Sunday, you need to order by FEBRUARY 20, 2008.

For more information and an order form, visit

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