Posted by: dsjliturgy | May 9, 2006

Something simple for your Triduum worship aid

I went to the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph for Easter Vigil this year. Among the many excellent things they did, there was one simple yet significant thing that caught my attention. On the back of their worship aid, they had the following:

Interested in becoming a Catholic or have been away for a while and are looking to reacquaint yourself with the Catholic Church? Call 408-283-8100.

Interested in being a member of the parish or serving as a volunteer or lay minister at the Cathedral? Call Linda at 408-283-8100 x2200.

For your Holy Week, Ash Wednesday, and Christmas worship aids, consider adding a similar note to help acknowledge and assist the many visitors, guests, new-comers, and unfamiliar faces that you will surely find in your pews at those times.

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