Posted by: dsjliturgy | September 8, 2005

A Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Adapted from a prayer by Kris Ward

Lord, you who calmed the storm at sea,
quiet the fears
ease the pain
tend the grief
and light the darkness
of your children in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.
In stunned silence, be their voice.
In rages against the night, be their balm.
In bewilderment, be their hope.
Lead rescuers to the lost,
shelter the waiting.
Sustain those who work
to make life’s necessities spring forth
in this desert of gloom.
Blanket the weary with your tender touch.
Shake us from our comforts
to share out sisters and brothers’ sorrow and burden
and assist and pray them into new life.
We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus,
who suffered and was raised to new life. Amen.


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